Archive for the ‘ Php ’ Category

How to Fixed Malware Report from Google

This time is for sharing

Have ur website got banned from google site, and detected contain as malware.

Or block by google chrome ? with the same warning

And u were so desperate to fixed it but don’t know how and what to fixed

Here is just a hint what u should do

  1. Register ur domain in webmaster tools as ur website
  2. Procedd with step for adding site verification.
  3. After u verify that u are the owner on ur webmaster tool, there will be report on what url that ur website contain malware.
  4. After this step u wondering what was on ur site ?  it it malware , virus or inject code.
  5. So I suggest u to Go to
  6. Put every url from ur  website that was report on webmaster tool there and let that web chek ur script on ur website.
  7. And u will get the report what was on ur website, with red block on ur script
  8. Do it over until u finished repair all that was on ur webmaster tools report.
  9. Go to follow the step that said u are the owner of the website and asked for review
  10. And on google webmaster tool, asked for review
  11. It would be refresh for about 24 hour

So that’s it all

File java script (.js) ke hack

Akhirnya gw nulis juga di blog ini..
setelah lama banget gw ngak posting disini
* biasa mengibur diri di sela2 kejenuhan pekerjaan

mengenai file java script (.js) yg ke hack dan disisipi oleh script2 yang ngak jelas.
biasanya iframe yang menuju website lain dimana biasanya utk naikin website mereka
atau biasanya ada referal yg bisa menghasilkan uang buat si penyusup.

ada 2 site yg gw develop kena oleh penyusup
dan sudan pasti akhirnya oleh stopbadware and google site tersebut harus di block
ketika kita browse site tersebut keluar security warning yg bilang bahwa website yg anda kunjungi berbahaya, dan bisa merusak pc and
*kira2 gitu deh bhs indonesianya

setelah gw googling kemana2 ternyata banyak juga yang kena masalah yg sama sama gw,
entah di file java script (.js) atau di hostingan yang memang security agak lemah,
*kalo terlalu straight biasanya sepi yg sewa  karena males config

gw baca bahwa sebaiknya file .js diberi atau di set 644
*ada di manual unix mengenai folder acces and file acces
untuk ngebersihinya yah harus ganti file .js yg sudah disisipin
kalo ngak mereka akan generate ulang dan menyisipi file .js anda dgn kode2 awal lagi

ini alamat url yg gw pakai untuk guide gw dalam menghilangkan file .js yg telah disisipi penyusup